Jesus is someone worth celebrating.

        Every week, all over the world, God's people gather to celebrate Jesus and what He's done. At Northminster we celebrate and worship God at 9:00 each Sunday morning.

        Our praise team leads us in a blend of contemporary and traditional music — with songs that were written anywhere from two months ago to two hundred years ago.

        We believe Jesus is worthy of our worship and we love when the people of God gather to praise Him. Our praise team is always looking for musicians (guitarists, pianists, bassists, drummers, etc.) and vocalists. To learn more, send the Worship Director an email.

We like to make music together.

        Northminster has many opportunities for people to join together as they lead in worship. A multi-generational choir, as well as the praise team, all participate regularly in our worship services. Some of us have sung for many years, while others are just beginning to use their voices in song — so all are welcome!

        We also have bell choirs who help lead in worship as well on certain occasions. To learn more about NPC choirs, you can send an email to our Worship Director.

Worship isn't a performance.

        Worship is directed toward an audience of one: God.  Everyone participates and serves as we worship together.

        Everything is done as a team, including things such as: operating the projections, running our livestreams, helping at the sound board, leading prayers, serving as ushers, and welcoming people to the worship service. If you'd like to be part of our worship team let us know.

There's a place for art in the church.

        One of God's great gifts is the celebration of beauty through artistic expression. We value art and artists of all kinds and are committed to discovering ways we can celebrate God through our creativity.

        If you would like to be a part of helping us grow in worship through the arts, we'd love to hear from you.


  • Choirs


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  • Bell Choir


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  • Praise Team

    Thursday Nights

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