As early childhood educators, we know children learn best through active, engaged, meaningful play; therefore, we firmly believe play is the children's work. We understand children are naturally curious and learn best when allowed to actively explore, involve all their senses, manipulate real objects, work together with adults and other children, make meaningful plans, and build upon what they already know. Our curriculum reflects these needs while fostering independence, empathy, cooperation, and creativity. In-depth explorations of a topic which are motivated by the child's interest, excitement, and curiosity allow the curriculum to be presented in a developmentally appropriate manner. Families support the classroom by their collaboration and participation. Parents are considered partners in the learning journey and the program is dedicated to building strong family partnerships.
For more information, please call Michelle Lundquist or Jessica Stanton, at 691-6322x129. We are happy to answer your questions or provide you with a tour of our facility.