Sunday Mornings...


  • When you arrive at church on Sunday morning and if you have children who are infants to 5th grade, please enter the double-glass doors to the Lobby/Narthex of the church. Look to the left for the ORANGE CART for Children’s Ministry check-in. Each child will receive a name tag and an activity bag to have during the first part of worship. If you have an infant child up to age 3, you may take your little one to the Nursery, Room 312.
  • As the parent/grandparent or guardian, you will receive a name-tag sticker for you and a name-tag sticker for your child or children to wear. Later, when you pick up your child, please exchange your name-tag sticker with the teacher in the classroom and you will receive a take home sheet which tells you what the kids learned that day in Sunday School.
  • At the start of worship you are welcome to sit together as a family in a church pew, but we also have SACRED SPACE TABLES in the back of the Sanctuary where you and your children are welcome sit, use the color pages and explore the activity bags as you worship.
  • Children start the morning with you in worship for about 10 minutes. The children will then be invited to go to Kids Time with Jesus during the greeting time. If you prefer for your children to be in worship with you, that’s great! If your kids would prefer to participate in Kids Time With Jesus, they are welcome to line up just outside the Sanctuary with the Kids Ministry Teacher and go to their classrooms for Bible lessons, games and songs. Kids Time with Jesus runs from 9:15am to the end of worship, usually about 10:00AM.


Preschool & Kindergarten (children 3-year-olds through 5-year-olds) will be in Room 318

1st grade to 5th grade – will be in Room 304

Fun with JESUS!

For parents who stay for Adult Ed, please know you’re your kids are in great care during the second hour of “FUN WITH JESUS.” We will combine ages 3-years-old through 5th grade for a snack, singing, and gym games. We will end up in Room 304 for a closing prayer activity.